Re written physics


There are three types of analysis in this set of files


If I find an aspect of physics I want to know more about I put

together an analysis of it.


If I find something in physics that doesn't make sense to me, I

find out exactly why it doesn't and if I can, I fix it.


If I think of something new to me and maybe to every body else

I write an analysis of it that explores its possibilities.




Below is

a list of all my physics analyses


a short description of each of them.       



*Select the file you want to read by clicking on the filename*



age of earth1.pdf 11/18/2020 


the age of the earth and the solar system is supposed to be

about 4.5 billion years old. It is based on radioactive decay.

but there is a basic problem.

all the elements that are found on the earth, including the

radioactive ones, were not formed on the earth, but somewhere

else in the Milky Way Galaxy.

so, why didn't they begin to decay when they were first formed?


Ampere's Experiments1.pdf  08/31/2020


describes how Andre-Marie Ampere, from 1820 to about 1822,

determined the characteristics of the magnetic field surrounding

a copper wire containing a continuous direct electric current.


billiards0.pdf   09/29/2022


what happens to the momentum of two billiard balls when they

collide and both stop dead still on their table?


conclusions.pdf   6/07/2023

These are some of the conclusions I have come to believe about physics.


death of our sun1.pdf 08/27/2022


this analysis describes what happens in our sun when it begins

to cool down and then does run out of hydrogen.


E=mC^20.pdf   9/19/2018


this analysis reviews Albert Einstein's thought experiment

that defines E = mC^2.


E=mC^21.pdf   05/10/2022


this analysis describes the implications of Albert Einstein's

E = mC^2 equation


energy to momentum1.pdf   04/29/2021


it takes energy, or work, to increase the momentum of a body.

each neutrino has its own virtual mass.


expanding universe4.pdf      02/01/2023


in this analysis I will show that there is no such thing as an

expanding universe and

that our universe didn't suddenly begin some 13.7 billion years


faraday's inductance0.pdf   09/01/2020


Michael Faraday believed that if an electric current could

create a magnetic field

a magnetic field should be able to create an electric current.

this file contains a review of his experiments.

fasterthanthespeedoflight0.pdf    02/25/2024

This analysis will show that it may be possible a space ship

can go faster than the speed of light.

how to make neutrinos0.pdf    11/26/2023

this file describes how to generate neutrons and neutrinos

in a laboratory by using a modified electron capture reaction.

hubble3.pdf    11/24/2023

This analysis will show why there is no 'expanding universe'.

interferometer5.pdf 09/18/2018


in 1881 Albert Michelson invented his interferometer.

light vibrates in a wave pattern as it moves through space. if

two waves are combined and are not 'in phase' with one another

they will interfere with one another's wave patterns.


using his interferometer he thought he could measure how fast

the earth was moving through space. but when Albert Michelson

and Edward Morley ran the experiment in 1887 it 'failed'.


but the experiment itself did not fail. It got a result that

should have been expected. this following analysis explains why.

MichelsonMorley.pdf    03/05/2013

A second version to measure how fast the earth moves through space.

iron extra neutrons3.pdf     12/26/2023

This analysis will add extra neutrons to the core atomic nucleus 

of iron 52fe26

and then depend upon neutrinos from the sun to convert any added

unstable neutrons to protons.

isaacnewtons time0.pdf      06/09/2021


Isaac Newton believed that 'time' was smooth, even and ever



in 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau calculated a value for the speed of

light to a better precision than the previous value determined.


he used this formula to calculate light's speed.

C = d/t = (distance traveled)/(time it took) = a constant


but if the speed of light is constant, distance and time are not

independent variables.

LiFePo4.pdf 02/06/2024


This is a study of how lithium iron phosphate batteries store

energy. How the battery can be charged and discharged step by


logicandmathematics2.pdf   06/11/2022


classical logic and formal mathematics can describe an already

solved basic physics problem.

but an unknown basic physics problem can't be solved by logic or

mathematics. one must guess solutions.


momentum0.pdf   10/15/2020


a puzzle


let's suppose we have two bodies each the size of the earth

sitting out in empty space a measurable distance apart, say over

100,000 miles apart.

to begin with, they are not moving. any other bodies are so

far away their pulls on these two are negligible.


what happens and why and how does it happen?

muon and tau neutrinos0.pdf    11/03/2024

There is no such thing as muon and tau neutrinos in our local


nano based physics0.pdf    9/21/2023

this defines the simple, basic physics that underlays and

supports all known macro physics.


neutrinos60.pdf   03/29/2024


this analysis defines what an electron neutrino is after a review

of the current, available research in the field.

nikola tesla1.pdf    3/16/2024

This is about Nikola Tesla and electricity

non linear logic0.pdf   12/17/2020


in January 1926, Erwin Schrodinger published his wave mechanics

equation which correctly described the energy levels of an

electron orbiting a proton in a hydrogen atom. Each level was a

standing wave. Since then no one has been able to mathematically

describe a two electron or any multi electron atom.


this analysis suggests that humans can only think in linear logic.

that we can't handle multi variable logic, but that nature can

and does.

no_faster_than_light0.pdf     20/10/2016 


this analysis takes a look at Albert Einstein's paper on special

relativity and E = mC^2 published in 1905.


shows why a body's velocity can not exceed the speed of light.

one_photon9.pdf   08/04/2023 


this analysis will figure out just how a photon moves through space.

orbiting electrons1.pdf    08/15/2023

this analysis shows how the electrons orbiting a positive atomic

nucleus must instantly effect one another and the nucleus.

ourtoohotsun1.pdf   03/10/2021


our sun is too hot.

If anything falls into the sun, it gets broken up into

p+'s, e-'s and alpha particles by the e-'s, p+'s and alpha

particles in our too hot sun.


particle physics.pdf    6/27/2023

this analysis criticizes some specific parts of particle physics.

photon waves1.pdf    03/06/2024

This analysis describes how photons can move through space

as waves of photons and as single photons that can add to or be

emitted by the electrons orbiting an atomic nucleus.

redshiftedlight0.pdf    12/16/2023

This analysis describes what happens to light when it passes

close by a galaxy.

solar neutrinos0.pdf 11/05/2019


this analysis describes how neutrinos are formed in the solar

plasma and what happens to them when they get to the earth.


they are made by this electron capture reaction in the sun.

e- + p+ + heat --> neutron(p+,e-) + neutrino


solarplasma.pdf   02/08/19


I describe the sun's solar plasma as how I understand it.


speed of light.pdf 11/16/2022


this analysis describes

how the speed of light was first measured


how one can never measure the frequency of a pure beam of light.

stars and solar systems2.pdf    10/16/2023

There is no limit as to how large a star can be.

The following describes how stars and their solar systems form

and eventually collapse over and over again.

steady state1.pdf    10/19/2023

There is an equal number of protons and electrons in the local


This universe as we know it is in a 'steady state'. There is no

new or old part of the known universe.

timeless0.pdf      01/24/2023


this analysis gathers together instances where time doesn't

seem to exist.

time2.pdf 10/17/2016


this is an analysis of time.


it is an effort to get you to believe something that seems

completely unbelievable because that we can never measure time


it concludes that there is no such thing as time. that we

humans invented it because we need to know how fast things change.

time is really just cause and effect.


tokamaks6.pdf 12/13/2022


tokamaks don't work, never have and probably never will. in this

analysis I describe why they don't work.

universalgravity4.pdf   08/21/2023


In this note I define the gravitational fields that holds the

sun and all the planets, moons, asteroids and other bodies in

the solar system together.

Nobody else seems to have done it. I don't know why not.


what's gravity1.pdf 08/19/2023


maybe gravity is just a very, very weak electromagnetic field.


there are an equal number of protons and electrons in the known

universe, in the Milky Way and in ordinary matter.

a p+ and an e-, seems to be the basic building blocks of all

ordinary matter.

there is also the possibility that there is only one type of

field, an electrostatic field.

what is a neutrino0.pdf     3/30/2024

This lists the known and possible characteristics of

a neutrino.

end of file